Wood Pigeon’s Research Journal (WRJ)

Il Journal raccoglie Lavori a stesura propriamente Scientifica e “Letters to the Editors”, revisionati dagli Editors o da altri Esperti. Per pubblicare richiedere istruzioni agli Editors (contact us).

All the papers on the Journal are in open access in terms of CCDL wich permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

A long and difficult Citizen Science pathway: PTO (Paratympanic organ of Vitali) and Migration of the Wood Pigeon, from “Applied Research” on field (evidence-based data) to the great target of the “Pure Research” - WRJ vol.1, august 2024

A long and difficult Citizen Science pathway: PTO (Paratympanic organ of Vitali) and Migration of the Wood Pigeon, from “Applied Research” on field (evidence-based data) to the great target of the “Pure Research” – WRJ vol.1, […]

Nuovi concetti realizzativi in Ornitologia per un nuovo “Citizen Science Journal” c.d. di nicchia (Specie aviaria: Columba palumbus)

Nuovi concetti realizzativi in Ornitologia per un nuovo “Citizen Science Journal” c.d. di nicchia (Specie aviaria: Columba palumbus)     Cavina Enrico*, Lipparelli Tommaso ecavinaster@gmail.com https://independent.academia.edu/enricocavina   KEY-WORDS: Citizen Science Journal, Wood Pigeon, Colombaccio, References.   ABSTRACT […]